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Whether you are chartering a 57-passenger coach bus or a 10-passenger van, you will need to think of some fun games to play on the way to your destination. Sure, each member of your group can read, listen to an iPod, or watch a movie on their laptop, but games provide a fun way to engage with each other as a group instead of passing time in isolation. Regardless of whether you are taking your charter bus across town or across the country, here are some fun games to play with your group.

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Freeway Bingo

Before you depart, make Bingo cards with a variety of common freeway sights. Pass out cards to each member of your group, and have a small prize up for grabs for the winner. This will keep your group engaged during the trip, and if you’re traveling with young children, freeway bingo is a great way to keep them from getting in trouble.

Team Trivia

Team trivia is a great group game that will keep everyone entertained and preoccupied on the road. Pass out pens and paper to have a trivia tournament, and consider putting up a small prize for the winning team. If your charter bus tour isn’t large enough to do a team trivia tournament, you can do individual trivia.

Seatmate Games

If you want to help break the ice or get your passengers to know one each other, suggest that they play seatmate games such as “20 Questions” or “The Question Game.” After each round, ask each person on the bus to share what he or she learned about the person sitting next to them.

If you’re looking for a charter bus along the East Coast, contact Haymarket Transportation. We are a full-service charter bus transportation company for individuals and groups. To learn more about our motorcoach rentals in Virginia, Maryland, DC, and the surrounding areas, call us today at 301-778-2007.