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A bus tour of Washington, D.C ., is not complete without a stop at the National Mall. With some of America’s most notable monuments and memorials, this historic area is full of culture and the true American spirit. Keep reading to learn more about some of the most iconic additions to the National Mall:

President Abraham Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial

As one of the most recognized American monuments, this memorial was erected to honor President Abraham Lincoln. The memorial’s aesthetic appeal and historical significance make it one of the most visited locations in the nation’s capital. It has even been the site of some of America’s most important speeches, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

This memorial honors all of the members of the American military who served in the Vietnam War. It provides a special location for people to pay their respects to the soldiers who died and those who are still missing. With a beautiful array of pictures, letters, and flowers left by visitors, this memorial is a touching reminder of the sacrifice of service.

The Washington Monument

A marble obelisk that spans 555 feet into the skyline is hard to miss, but there is a certain appeal of visiting this monument up close and personal. Take some time to marvel at this architectural feat that was built as a monument to the first president of the United States. This monument can be seen from any location within the District of Columbia and truly represents the American Dream.

With the help of Haymarket Transportation, you can see all of the sights in the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia, and Maryland. Our charter bus rentals and bus tours make it easy to explore these areas and learn more about the United States. To learn more about our transportation services or locations, visit our website or call 301-778-2007.