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Verizon Center of Washington

The Verizon Center brings some of the biggest musical acts and sporting events to the D.C. area. Checking out the center’s schedule in advance helps you plan out which events you want to attend. Keep reading to learn about some of the most exciting events that are in the Verizon Center’s future:

On December 29, you can check out the WWE Presents Smackdown. Doors open at 6 and the event starts at 7. If you prefer music to wrestling, check out Jay Z and his Magna Carter World Tour when he descends on the center on January 16. The Capitals, Georgetown, and the Wizards also have a season full of games that will be played at the Verizon Center this winter.

No matter what kind of events you want to attend, Haymarket Transportation can get you there. With a fleet that can encompass single passengers or large groups, we make it easy to travel around Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Northern Virginia. To learn more about our charter bus rentals and bus tours, call 301-778-2007.