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Mount Vernon is an American landmark. What was once an active plantation is now one of the nation’s most visited historic sites and an enduring reminder of the life and legacy of our country’s most important founding father, George Washington. Once you make an arrangement with a charter bus company to transport your family or workgroup to Mt. Vernon, make sure you see these Can’t-miss attractions.

The home of former president of the USA George Washington

Ford Orientation Center

Before you explore the grounds around Mt. Vernon, start your experience in the Ford Orientation Center. Here you can watch the 25-minute live-action adventure movie “We Fight to Be Free” and inspect a precise scale model of Washington’s mansion and the grounds surrounding Mt. Vernon.

George Washington’s Mansion

After George Washington moved into the house that his father built in 1752, he spent the next five decades greatly expanding the structure. The result is an impressive, 21-room residence with architectural features that showcase his status as a true Virginia gentleman.

Slave Memorial and Burial Ground

Located 50 yards from George Washington’s tomb is a memorial honoring the slaves and free African-Americans who lived and worked at Mt. Vernon during the 1700s and first half of the 1800s. Spent quiet time at the memorial beneath the shade of surrounding trees and reflect on the historical significance and impact of slavery.

Pioneer Farm

Although George Washington is known as a military commander and president, he was first and foremost a farmer—and he was quite an impressive farmer at that. Washington sought new approaches to agriculture and experimented with crop rotation, fertilizers, plowing practices, and more. You can tour the four-acre Pioneer Farm and see what it was like to live (and work) during Washington’s day and age.

Haymarket Transportation makes it easy to take your entire family or company to see the historic Mt. Vernon. We are a full-service transportation company, and our fleet of charter buses, SUVs, sedans, and limousines will help you get there comfortably. Visit our website to learn more about our charter bus rentals, or call us toll-free at 301-778-2007 to schedule your charter bus today.