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There is no place like New York City during the holidays. If you and a group are planning to take a charter bus to the Big Apple this winter, use the following tips to ensure that you plan a fun and safe trip:

New York City

Make Time for Rockefeller Plaza

With its infamous tree and outdoor ice-skating rink, Rockefeller Center Plaza should definitely be on your to-do list this winter. Take a trip to the plaza in the morning and once at night to see the beautiful decorations and lights at different times of the day. You might not want to actually skate, though, because the rink is more expensive and more crowded than others in the area. Be sure you dress warmly enough to handle the winter weather in the city.

Check Out a Holiday Show

Whether you want to see a new holiday show or a traditional celebration like the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall, you should definitely make time for a holiday show. New York City is one of the best places to check out live theater and it definitely does not disappoint during this holidays. Find a show that you like and buy tickets early.

Do Some Window Shopping

From Macy’s to FAO Schwarz, New York City stores go all out during the holidays. Whether you are planning to do some actual shopping or you just want to see all of the amazing displays, you should definitely spend some time window-shopping across the city. If you want to do some real shopping, you should try to avoid the stores on the weekends or in the late afternoon so you do not get stuck in the crowds.

Haymarket Transportation can help you plan your upcoming trip to New York City. Our charter bus rentals make it easy to travel in and around Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia. To learn more about our bus rentals and bus tour services, visit us online or call 301-778-2007.