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The home of former president of the USA George Washington

As the home and final resting place of George Washington, Mount Vernon holds a special place in American History. With a charter bus rental and the right information, you can get the most out of a trip to this national treasure. Keep reading for tips on visiting Mount Vernon:

Check Out the Programming Guide

One of the best aspects of visiting Mount Vernon is the constant flux of new activities in which to participate. When you step off of the charter bus, take some time to check out the programming guide to see what kind of tours and activities are on the schedule for the day. You might discover some activities you would never have thought of on your own that make the experience even better.

Take a Tour

Each day, there is a wide range of tours to take at Mount Vernon that shows you everything from the way the Washingtons ate their meals to what daily life was like for the slaves. Whether you prefer to see the Garden & Landscape Tour or the Signature Tour, there are countless places to see and things to learn on the property.

Stay for Story Time

If you are traveling with children, the Storytelling & Story Book Readings are a great way to get the kids interested in history. Costumed storytellers spout tales from children’s books about President Washington and Mount Vernon. Check out the programming guide to learn about storytimes.

With the help of Haymarket Transportation, you can take bus tours in Northern Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, DC. As a full-service transportation company with a fleet that can accommodate your every need, we are always here with a bus rental for you. To learn more about our charters and tour options, visit our website or call 301-778-2007.