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There are so many decisions to make when it comes to your wedding, but choosing wedding transportation doesn’t have to be difficult. Here is a brief guide to some wedding transportation options available to you on your big day.

Classic Limousines

You can never go wrong with a luxurious limousine transporting you to your wedding. Whether the limo is just for the happy couple or for their entire bridal party, most limousines can accommodate your needs. They can transport up to 20 people, but if you have a large bridal party or you want your guests to feel extra special, you can hire a whole fleet for transportation.

bride and groom smiling in a car

SUVs and Town Cars

If you are looking for something a little more intimate for your wedding day, try out an SUV or Town Car sedan. You can drive up to your wedding ceremony or reception together with a cozy and comfortable leather interior surrounding you.

Mini Buses and Passenger Vans

When you need to transport your guests from a separate parking lot to the venue area, look for a comfortable minibus or passenger van. Transporting 10 to 36 passengers at a time, your guests can relax against the custom interior as they safely and quickly make their way to your wedding. On the way, they can even watch highlights of the happy couple on the televisions installed in the minibusses.

Adding Amenities

Don’t forget that you can request added features to make your day even more special. Some vehicles may permit beverages aboard, as well as televisions, and DVD and CD players. If you have a specific request, ask your transportation company if your request can be accommodated.

Make your day as special as it can be; call Haymarket Transportation at 301-778-2007 to learn about our many vehicle selections and tours. We offer sightseeing tours, as well as school field trips and wedding transportation near Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.