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Whether you are traveling on vacation, or simply want to learn more about your hometown, booking a sightseeing tour shouldn’t be difficult. You can easily find reputable transportation and touring company that will offer several different tour options for your convenience.

Washington D.C.

Plan Ahead

You planned your plane ticket and hotel ahead of time, so why shouldn’t you plan your excursions as well? Research travel, tourism, and transportation websites for the location you are visiting. You can find landmarks and destinations you want to visit and find a sightseeing tour geared around those locations. If you are simply looking for the best way to learn something new about your destination, find a comprehensive tour and book it right away. Tours can fill up weeks and months in advance, depending on the location, so don’t miss out because you didn’t plan ahead.

Do Your Research

Along with researching your vacation destination, look into the transportation and sightseeing companies. Look for reviews, and make sure they are a legitimate business. Also, find out everything they offer. You may have the option to book a private tour, join a group tour hosted on a charter bus, or participate in a walking tour of the city. There are a variety of tours to please everyone’s personal tastes and desires, from historical to winery tours, you can have your pick.

Get a Group Rate

Many tours and transportation companies offer discounted group rates as part of their touring packages. If you are visiting family, or the entire clan is going on vacation, consider booking everyone on a tour. If you and your friends have always talked about vacationing together, then make this the time. Or, if you are booking a school trip, ask for a student, teacher, and group rates, as well. As the saying goes, “the more, the merrier,” so get a group together, and have a memorable time.

At Haymarket Transportation, we have a variety of sightseeing tours in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. Call us at 301-778-2007 to learn more about our guided tours and transportation services.