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When you take a bus tour of DC, the U Street Corridor should definitely be one of your stops. As one of the liveliest areas of the city, this district is full of history and culture. Keep reading to learn more about its unique appeal:

Street Corridor of Washington

A Vibrant History

The U Street Corridor has existed in some form since the 1870s. At one time, it served as the focal point of the African American community of Washington, DC. By the 20th century, it was nicknamed “Black Broadway” and was the home of some notable people like Duke Ellington. Today, the area is going through a renaissance that is bringing new clubs, restaurants, shops, and other locations that draw in a huge crowd.

Plenty of Live Entertainment

If you explore the U Street Corridor, you have to schedule some time to listen to at least one of the many live jazz performances. With plenty of jazz clubs and dance halls, there is always an opportunity to hear amazing music. Music powerhouses like Ella Fitzgerald, Marvin Gaye, and The Supremes once performed in the area and there are plenty of new acts to discover.

The African American Civil War Memorial and Museum

Take some time out of your entertaining schedule to pay respects to some of the black soldiers who fought in the Civil War. The museum wants to showcase the more than 200,000 black soldiers who made up the U.S. Colored Troops who fought during this tumultuous time in the country’s history.

Haymarket Transportation is here with charter bus rentals that make it easy to tour DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland. Whether you are traveling alone or in a group, we have a vehicle to help you do it in comfort and style. To learn more about our motor coach rentals and other transportation options, visit us online or call 301-778-2007.